SIBO Solution Resources


If you are battling with Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth like I did, then I hope you have read my ebook The SIBO Solution. In the ebook, you will find all sorts of information about what SIBO is, how to diagnose it, and how to treat it so it never comes back.

Throughout my battle with treating SIBO, I relied on many different resources to help me understand and ultimately beat the condition. I talk about these resources in the ebook and have listed them for you here. I hope this helps you with your struggle with SIBO.

This list is for people outside of the US. For U.S. based resources, please click here.

- Elemental Diet Formula Ingredients -

For Ready-made Elemental:

For Homemade Elemental Diet Formula

- Prokinetics for Improving Motility -

Refer to the chapter on motility for more information on how to use these prokinetics.

- Other Useful Products -

Great Lakes Gelatin
(for helping heal the gut)

Vital Protein Gelatin
(another great brand of gelatin)

Great Lakes Collagen
(doesn't gel)

Thorne Super EPA
(fish oil for helping fix Omega 3:6 ratio)

Saccharomyces boulardii
(a probiotic which many SIBO sufferers have said helped them)

- SIBO Detox Guide Resources -

Organic coconut oil
(for oil pulling)

Castor oil
(for castor oil pack)

(for castor oil pack)

- Lab Tests -

3 Hour Lactulose Breath Test for SIBO
Order the test to be sent directly to your home!

Please note if you order with shipping to Canada your kit will not contain the Lactulose. You can still order the kit and simply purchase the lactulose at a regular pharmacy in your area.